Thursday 14 May 2009

Bruxism Relief - Finding an Alternative Solution

What is Bruxism?
Bruxism is the term doctors use to describe the repeated motion of grinding or clenching of the teeth. Bruxism tends to occur mostly at night (nocturnal) during sleep, but can also occur during the day.

So bruxism is grinding my teeth, "that doesn't sound bad" you may say. Why do I need bruxism relief? True for most people bruxism is fairly mild and they may not even have been aware that they were grinding their teeth until a visit to the dentist reveals tooth damage. For others, however, bruxism can be devastating. We chew our food with the force of 175 pounds per square inch, and when we brux, that force is doubled. That is a tremendous about of pressure on your teeth and jaw. When bruxism is severe or chonic it can lead to further devastating consequences such as TMJ and arthritis of the temporomandibular joint.

How can I get bruxism relief?

1. The first treatment generally suggested is the use of a mouth guard or splint, typically costing around $500-$700 and up.

- A mouth guard or splint used as a bruxism treatment will stop further damage to the tooth surfaces and stop the force from repositioning your teeth in your mouth.

- Many people find mouth guards to be too cumbersome to sleep with or they gag on the guard.
- Mouth guards do not stop the teeth grinding, instead of grinding your teeth you are now grinding the mouth guard.
- Many insurance plans don't cover mouth guards and if you are a heavy bruxer, you will frequently need to replace them due to biting through the guard or splint.
- Use of a mouth guard for more than a few months can lead to "severe and irreversible complications" (Dr. Sven E. Wildman, DDS).

2. Prescription pain medication

Pros - Reduces swelling in the jaw providing some bruxism relief.

- Does not cure the underlying problem of grinding - bruxism still occurs, only the painful result is being managed
- Long term use of pain killers is linked to liver problems as well as possible interaction with other medications you may be taking.

3. Alternative treatments. These methods include exercises for the jaw, life changes, and diet tips that go to the root cause of what is causing the teeth grinding to provide you with a cure for bruxism relief.

- Work with your body to stop the process of bruxism once and for all using natural, holistic methods.

- Can be difficult to piece together a program that works for you unless you know where to look.

Looking for Bruxism Relief? Get it Here ==>

Melanie Welse

I have compiled information regarding my journey to find Bruxism Relief. You can visit my page at

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