Saturday 25 April 2009

Why Visit a Neuromuscular Dentist?

For many people in today's world, headaches and neck pain are a daily occurrence. We often attribute the pain to the stress we are under or how busy we are. The pain is often overlooked and not diagnose. Are you one of the millions of people who suffer from symptoms of TMD, such as:

· Headaches and migraines

· Pain or soreness in the jaw

· Pain in the neck, shoulder and back

· Teeth that are overly sensitive

· Clicking or popping in the jaw

· Locking of the jaw and not being able to open or close your mouth

· Teeth that are cracked, chipped or worn

· Depression or irritability

· Ear pain or ringing in the ears

All of these are symptoms of TMD, or temporomandibular joint disorder. TMD is a term that refers to any disease or disorder of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint). The TMJ is the most complex joint system in our body and if it is out of alignment, it can cause pain in many other parts of the body. If you suffer from any or all of these symptoms, then you should seek the help of an experienced neuromuscular dentist.

What is Neuromuscular Dentistry?

Neuromuscular dentistry is a specialized dental practice that differs from traditional dentistry. It is quickly becoming a successful option of treatment for the many people who suffer from problems in the TMJ. Neuromuscular dentists are trained to understand the jaw and the relationship between the joint and the nerves and muscles surrounding it.

TMD usually occurs when there is a misalignment of the jaw or problems with the joint. These specially trained dentists will use a variety of exams and techniques in order to treat the disorder.

Treating TMD

TMD is treatable and reversible with the help of a neuromuscular dentist. The treatments can range from conservative treatments to surgical treatments.

Conservative TMD treatments are the most common treatments because the majority of people who suffer from this disorder do not have degenerative problems with the joint. These treatments can include:

· Physical therapy of the jaw

· Applying hot and cold packs to the jaw

· Eating soft foods and avoiding foods that require excessive chewing or tearing

· Splints or biteplates

Surgical TMD treatments include injections or surgery of the tissue surrounding the TMJ. These are typically only used when there has been severe deterioration of the jaw. These forms of treatment are not reversible, so they should only be used as a last resort.

The cost of receiving neuromuscular dentistry treatments are much higher than traditional dentistry treatments, but if you are living life with constant pain, then the cost is worth it. There is no reason to go through life suffering pain from TMD.

About The Author:
If you are one of the many people in Chicago who suffer from migraines or any of these symptoms, please contact the experienced neuromuscular dentists at the Colonial Dental Group. They can assess your condition and work with you on a specialized treatment plan designed for your specific needs.
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