Monday 6 October 2008

Dental Care a Necessity - But Ignored

Dental care is one of the most neglected areas in human health. Unless we face real problems, like pain or any visible problems with the tooth, people tend to neglect it. In fact some of the infections/problems with tooth could create very serious health problems.

It is the discomfort you feel when you are in a dental exam and all that comes with it, makes the dental health a very unpleasant experience for many. But the real problem is with the system. Most of the health care insurances do not support dental. There is additional premiums, need to be paid to get dental insurance. No pre-existing conditions are covered in dental insurances. There are higher limits on the insurances, which are below any major procedures for dental care. But dental care is more of a routine maintenance in a machine world, than an ailment. So it has more wide spread impact than a health care issue. Still it is not given enough attention to the public. Cost of dental care also is rising like any other health care cost. Common man, find it hard to handle dental care cost and ignore it most of the time and get major discomfort and lose of productive hours.

There is no perfect solution for these issues, unless people use their judgement to find their own solutions. One very affordable solution I find today, is the dental discount plans. There are many dental discount plans available in the market today. From local providers to national providers of dental discount plans. But personally I prefer some national providers that really put their energy in developing very strong network of doctors. Dental discount plans are real inexpensive. Close to $20.00 a month, you can get a real good dental discount plan that gives 50-80% discount. It is great alternative solution to dental insurance.

For more details visit

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