Sunday 15 March 2009

Tonsil Stones 101 - A Tonsil Stone Can Cause Bad Breath

A Tonsil stone or also commonly known as tonsillolith or tonsil rock, is a white or yellowish lump which develops in the rear back of your mouth and eventually falls out on its own when it is coughed up or swallowed. It can cause an extreme discomfort and give the sensation of a foreign material lodged in the back of the throat and is usually associated with bad breath, chronic tonsillitis and dry metallic taste in your mouth. If you squeeze it using your fingers, it gives an undesirable smell like a rotten egg or vomit. The reason is that it contains sulfur producing bacteria that are formed at the back of your tongue, which is one of the causes of halitosis.

A Tonsil stone is a combination of bits of food, dead white blood cells, saliva, and anaerobic bacteria. Over time it gets bigger until it falls out and dislodge. Some people try to remove it using a wet cotton bud or scrape it using a toothbrush; however doing these can make you gag or cause soreness of the tonsils if not carefully done.

A Tonsil stone is more common in adults than in children and tends to become a more noticeable problem in young adolescents. It only materializes in people who still have tonsils, but this does not mean you should have your tonsils removed. Common symptoms are frequent coughing to clear the throat, dry metallic taste in the mouth, sore throat, ear pain or itching within the ear, chronic tonsillitis or bad breath. Simply put, it must be eliminated early enough before other people stay away from you because of the foul smell you bring when you talk.

Aseem Gupta is an Indian online reviewer of niche websites. As tonsil stone sufferer for years, he has finally found solutions on the internet. To learn more about getting rid of tonsil stones or removing tonsil stones, visit the website.

Aseem lives and works in Aruppukkottai, India. English is his third language.

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